Who Gets Admitted to HBS, Stanford, & Wharton in Round 1

Last week, Harvard and Stanford released their Round 1 MBA admissions decisions. Who got in?

When MBA applications are down, do the doors to the most selective MBA program open a bit more widely, especially for US candidates?

The MBA candidates who got admitted In Round 1 were the ones who didn’t waste time daydreaming of how they will be the lucky ones selected by the AdCom.

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The Four Types of MBA Admissions Essays Explained

If you are one of the candidates applying to multiple top MBA programs, you are looking at writing a dozen, maybe even more, MBA essays.

If you put a dozen essays together, it will be like a small book! You could call it your forward-looking memoir because it will have chapters about your past, your present, and also your future.

Does the idea of writing a book intimidate you? Yeah, me too.

But there’s lots of good news when it comes to writing the collection of your MBA essays!

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Mastering MBA Essay Writing: Expert Tips from a Professional Consultant

As an MBA candidate, your number one task is to make it easy for the MBA AdCom to understand your story. The place where your MBA story truly comes to life is in your MBA essays. Today, I'm going to show you an MBA essay writing tip that helps your writing pack a punch. It's almost ridiculously simple but can add freshness and a new rhythm to your MBA essays in a flash.

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Expert Tips for Writing Compelling MBA Admissions Essays

Too many candidates who fret and complain that the MBA essay word count doesn’t give them enough space to tell their story. Gregg Berhalter, the head coach of the United States men's national soccer team, begs to differ .

Read the right kinds of samples to find inspiration for telling your own story. Not the ones in the online forums. Not someone else’s essays (not even the ones of candidates who get admitted because you will never know if they got admitted because of or despite something in their essay).

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Understanding the Key Differences Between MBA Books and an Expert MBA Consultant

A lot of times, in so many aspects of business, it’s not about “doing the thing.” It’s a combination of that, knowing what matters to the person receiving your efforts, and knowing how to better interact with the other people who you don’t think about immediately.

 In the world of MBA admissions, you’re aiming for not just the grades, not just a great essay, not just ANY old recommendation letters. People are looking for specifics on those. Petia told me there are all kinds of “hidden” red flags that keep you in the “maybe” or rejected pool that people just don’t know until they’ve been there.

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Navigate the New GMAT Focus Edition for MBA Success

The changes to the GMAT exam, announced earlier this year, created waves of speculation and anxiety in MBA candidates. As if a change in the format itself wasn't enough, what's also changing is both the score scales AND the score scale distribution. 

All of a sudden, you're being told your 730 GMAT, the same one that put you solidly near the average for just about any of the very top MBA programs, is now being equated to a mere 675. 

Is this true? What do the changes really mean?

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The new shorter GRE: Should you prepare differently?

Earlier this year, ETS announced the launch of a new, shorter version of the GRE exam. The GRE general test now takes less than two hours to take! This makes the GRE General Test the shortest and most efficient test for business school admissions. What, if anything, should MBA candidates do differently to prepare for the new GRE? Find out the most important tips about your GRE test prep.

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2023-2024 MBA Admissions Insights and Strategies for Success

“Can we identify trends on Round 1 application volumes compared to the previous cycle?”

The questions started popping up in online forums before the Round 1 deadlines were in even in our rearview mirror!

You MBA hopefuls are a data-driven bunch!

You want to be in the know – especially about MBA application volumes and how they might impact your odds.

I get it! The MBA application process always includes hope intertwined with doubt: “How strong is my candidacy? Do I have a shot?”

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Strengthen Your MBA Application

Extracurricular activities, often overlooked as MBA candidates focus on work experience in MBA applications, hold the potential to make a significant impact on your candidacy. MBA admissions committees seek candidates who are not only accomplished professionals but also well-rounded individuals. In this article, we will explore the importance of extracurricular activities and how they can strengthen your MBA application.

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The Changing Landscape of MBA Admissions: Trends and Insights for Success

In this fiercely competitive arena of MBA admissions, knowledge is power. By staying up-to-date with the latest information from MBA AdComs (MBA Admissions Committees), you can strategically adapt your MBA application strategy and increase your chances of success. Let's unravel the patterns and trends that will shape the 2023-2024 MBA admissions cycle and understand what they mean for your MBA aspirations.

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Meet the world's leading MBA programs

Don’t miss this exclusive & free opportunity to network with admissions representatives from top business schools.

These free events will allow you to speak directly with admission decision makers, staff, and alumni and empower you with information about the value of an MBA, financing your degree, and more.

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Unveiling the Evaluation Process: Decoding MBA Admissions

Have you ever wondered how MBA AdComs determine the competitiveness of candidates? In this article, we will delve into the evaluation process used by top MBA programs to identify promising applicants. By understanding what makes an MBA candidate stand out, you can navigate the MBA admissions journey with confidence. Let's lift the curtain and explore the intricacies of the MBA evaluation process together.

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MBA Admission Myths: Dispelling Misconceptions That Jeopardize Your MBA Application

As a former Dean of MBA Admissions with over 15 years of experience, I have seen many misconceptions about the MBA admissions process that can hinder your progress towards creating a strong MBA candidacy. Let's explore some of the most common misconceptions about the MBA admissions process and help you learn how to approach the process with a sense of curiosity, possibility, and authenticity.

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How to ace your MBA essays for HBS and the GSB

Applying for your MBA can be a daunting and challenging task. MBA hopefuls often wonder how they can stand out from the competition. While statistics, such as GMAT or GRE scores, GPA, and years of work experience are necessary for admission, they are only the first hurdle. In this article, we will explore the four essential narratives of leadership, accomplishment, challenge, and growth and how they can help you craft compelling MBA application stories.

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MBA Admissions Predictions 2023

The MBA Admissions landscape has shifted. Petia Whitmore, a former Dean of MBA Admissions and Founder of My MBA Path, discusses "State of MBA Admissions 2023":

* What was surprising in Round 1 * What to expect in Round 2 * How Round 3 may be different than any Round 3 we've seen before * What the increase of international students means for you * Will ChatGPT disrupt MBA admissions

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