Posts in MBA Application Strategy
The new shorter GRE: Should you prepare differently?

Earlier this year, ETS announced the launch of a new, shorter version of the GRE exam. The GRE general test now takes less than two hours to take! This makes the GRE General Test the shortest and most efficient test for business school admissions. What, if anything, should MBA candidates do differently to prepare for the new GRE? Find out the most important tips about your GRE test prep.

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2023-2024 MBA Admissions Insights and Strategies for Success

“Can we identify trends on Round 1 application volumes compared to the previous cycle?”

The questions started popping up in online forums before the Round 1 deadlines were in even in our rearview mirror!

You MBA hopefuls are a data-driven bunch!

You want to be in the know – especially about MBA application volumes and how they might impact your odds.

I get it! The MBA application process always includes hope intertwined with doubt: “How strong is my candidacy? Do I have a shot?”

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Unveiling the Evaluation Process: Decoding MBA Admissions

Have you ever wondered how MBA AdComs determine the competitiveness of candidates? In this article, we will delve into the evaluation process used by top MBA programs to identify promising applicants. By understanding what makes an MBA candidate stand out, you can navigate the MBA admissions journey with confidence. Let's lift the curtain and explore the intricacies of the MBA evaluation process together.

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MBA Admission Myths: Dispelling Misconceptions That Jeopardize Your MBA Application

As a former Dean of MBA Admissions with over 15 years of experience, I have seen many misconceptions about the MBA admissions process that can hinder your progress towards creating a strong MBA candidacy. Let's explore some of the most common misconceptions about the MBA admissions process and help you learn how to approach the process with a sense of curiosity, possibility, and authenticity.

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How to ace your MBA essays for HBS and the GSB

Applying for your MBA can be a daunting and challenging task. MBA hopefuls often wonder how they can stand out from the competition. While statistics, such as GMAT or GRE scores, GPA, and years of work experience are necessary for admission, they are only the first hurdle. In this article, we will explore the four essential narratives of leadership, accomplishment, challenge, and growth and how they can help you craft compelling MBA application stories.

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The biggest mistake MBA candidates make about "fit" - and how to avoid it

The biggest mistake I see MBA candidates make again and again is misunderstanding the concept of “fit” between their candidacy and their dream MBA program.

An astonishing number of candidates fail to properly research and engage with the programs they are applying to. They miss the opportunity to understand how the MBA adcoms at these programs think of “fit”. And falling short in demonstrating fit in your MBA application is one of the biggest reasons candidates fail.

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The ultimate guide to the GPA in the MBA admissions process

Should I worry about my undergraduate GPA? How do I build an alternative transcript? How are international GPAs converted in MBA admissions?

The GPA and the ways to overcome a weak one when you are applying to top MBA programs are among the challenges MBA candidates most frequently need help with. Let’s dive into the ways in which you can make up for a below average undergraduate GPA and how to show the academic readiness MBA programs look for.

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