How to Prepare for the HBS Interview

What to Expect in the HBS admissions interview?

So you’ve landed the coveted interview at HBS. First of all, congrats!

It’s a big deal (even more so this year!), but you probably already know that.

Now the question is: how on earth do you prepare for this thing?

The Harvard Business School interview is not your average chat about your résumé and a series of fluffy “Tell me about a time when...” questions.

It’s a fast-paced, tough-love, let’s-see-what-you’re-made-of conversation.

It requires an entirely different interview prep strategy.

Let’s walk through what you can expect and how to get ready.


First: The HBS MBA Admissions Interview Format

In your 30-minute HBS interview, you'll usually face two people: one main interviewer who has thoroughly reviewed your application and prepared targeted questions, and another who will just be taking notes.

Expect a fast-paced conversation focused on your experiences and career goals, with interruptions and specific follow-ups to test your responses.


The Two Things the HBS AdCom Is Looking For

 First: They’re Checking for Fluff (or even downright BS…)

 The most important thing to remember is that HBS interviewers are experts at cutting through any exaggeration.

 If you’ve overstated your role—like claiming you spearheaded a major corporate turnaround or revolutionized a product on your own—they’ll catch it. Be straightforward. If you contributed as part of a team or managed a smaller piece of a project, that’s fine. Just say so. Don’t stretch the truth to make yourself the hero when you were a supporting player.

And if you’ve mentioned that your future goals are, let’s say, in AI, be ready to discuss the industry with real knowledge. Vague aspirations won’t cut it here. Stay on top of the latest developments and even controversies. For instance, if they ask, “Your target company halted its AI research last quarter—why do you think they'll dive back in now?” you’ll need a thoughtful and informed response to back up your goals.

Second: Can You Handle the Case Method?

At HBS, the case method is central, and they’re eager to see if you can thrive in that kind of dynamic, sometimes intense, setting.

During the interview, expect rapid shifts in conversation. One moment, you’re discussing a key role you played at work, and the next, they’ll shift to what made you leave that company for your next role.

The key is to stay calm. If they challenge something you’ve said, don’t get rattled. Instead, acknowledge their point and offer a thoughtful response. Treat it like a high-level business discussion—you need to demonstrate you can handle differing opinions without becoming defensive or overwhelmed.


Be Ready to Talk About You

The HBS interview goes beyond just reviewing your résumé—it’s about uncovering who you are as a person. They’ll want to explore how you make decisions, the leadership examples you’ve shared, and yes, they’ll likely ask about your weaknesses (get ready for the classic “what are you not great at” question). The focus isn’t on providing flawless answers but on demonstrating self-awareness. They’re looking to see if you’ve reflected on your choices, grown from your experiences, and can communicate that effectively.

One area they love to dig into is the pivotal moments in your life. Why did you select that major? What made you choose that particular job? And if you mentioned in your application that you realized a certain field wasn’t for you, be prepared to explain why. They’ll want you to elaborate, so have those explanations ready.


Finally: Expect the Unexpected

You can’t fully predict an HBS admissions interview. You might get asked about the last book you read, what brand has changed your life, or even what TV series you binge watch. These questions are designed to see how you think on your feet, so go with the flow. Be yourself, be honest, and—this is key—show that you’re curious and well-rounded. They want to admit people who are part of something bigger than their work (and really, bigger than themselves so don’t forget to prepare for talk about those examples of “investing in others”).

Your goal isn’t to rehearse answers for every possible question. But when I work with candidates on HBS MBA interview prep, I can often predict the topics that will come up—and sometimes even the exact way the questions will be framed. It’s not magic, though. As a former Dean of MBA Admissions and an experienced senior executive, I know how talent is assessed and what great talent looks like. If you are interested in HBS interview prep me, check out my Get Unstuck service.

Trust Your Thinking—That’s the Real Test

Making it to the HBS interview stage means one thing: they already see you as someone with potential. Now, it’s all about trusting and showcasing your thinking.

I had a small epiphany about this while prepping a candidate this week. After our mock interview, I asked him which question he found toughest. Without hesitation, he said, “Who is a leader in your industry that you follow?” The funny thing? He had answered this question beautifully—thoughtful, specific, and entirely his own. What felt tough in the moment wasn’t about knowledge or preparation. It was about trusting himself to think on his feet. That’s what the HBS interview really tests—not just what you know, but how you navigate uncertainty with confidence and clarity.

Five Steps to Prepare for the HBS Admissions Interview

First, take a deep breath. You’ve already impressed them enough to get the interview. Now’s your chance to show them that you’re not only accomplished but also authentic, thoughtful, and ready to handle whatever comes your way—whether that’s a curveball question about your career plans or the biggest challenge you overcame in your first job.

1.     Before your HBS interview, reread your entire application—every job description, every short answer, every essay.

2.     For any bullet point on your résumé or theme in your essays, be ready to explain how you achieved it and why you made certain choices.

3.     Finally, take some time to think about the questions you secretly hope they don’t ask—and then prepare for them! Address those areas where you feel less confident so you won’t be caught off guard.

4.     Immediately post-interview, jot down your thoughts, impressions, important details. You will need them for the PIR (Post-Interview Reflection) HBS asks about.

5.  Consider professional interview prep with an expert. I offer highly efficient HBS interview prep through my Get Unstuck service. Below is how one happy HBS admit described her experience.


The HBS Admissions Interviewer Isn’t Trying to Flunk You

There’s an ill-informed myth floating around—fueled by dramatic headlines—that the HBS interview is designed to flunk you.

That one wrong answer or the wrong “vibe” will send your application straight to the reject pile. Let’s set the record straight: HBS does not invite people to interview just to eliminate them. If you’re in that chair (or on that Zoom call), you’ve already cleared a high bar.

Yes, the interview is probing. Yes, follow-up questions come fast. But the goal isn’t to catch you off guard or watch you fail—it’s to see how you think, how you communicate, and how you respond in real time.

The admissions committee already sees you as a strong candidate; the interview is about understanding you better, not about testing whether you can survive an ambush. So ditch the paranoia—what really matters is trusting yourself and showing up ready to engage.

Onwards and upwards,
