My MBA Path

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Should You Chase a "Wow" Factor in your MBA application?

“Wow!” or “Wow…”

Let’s be honest. You’ve dreamed of that elusive “Wow!” moment, haven’t you? The one where the MBA AdCom sits up, takes notice, and remembers your name.

But what if I told you that chasing that “Wow!” is where many MBA candidates stumble?

In their quest to dazzle, they lose sight of what truly matters: authenticity and relevance.

MBA admissions committees aren’t impressed by theatrics—they’re looking for depth.

They want to see your real track record, not a performative rendition of grandiose statements.

When you focus too much on crafting that show-stopping moment, you risk stepping into a territory that feels forced or insincere.

The “Wow…” that follows isn’t one of admiration.

It’s the signal of a missed opportunity, of potential overshadowed by a story that falls flat because the human touch has been edited out.

The path to an authentic “Wow!” lies in simplicity

​It is built on thoughtfully expressing your unique journey. After all, the most memorable stories are those grounded in truth, told with confidence, and aligned with your genuine aspirations.

What does this look like in reality?

Take the reader along instead of bombarding them with slogans.

Let’s take two examples.

The “Wow!”: Purposeful Leadership

Sophia, a mid-level marketing manager, decided to focus on a simple but powerful story of leading a marketing campaign for a local non-profit. She avoided flashy language and instead described her actions clearly: how she coordinated a team with limited resources, how she kept everyone motivated under tight deadlines, and how she connected personally with the cause.

Sophia explained why this work mattered to her—how it deepened her philosophy of leadership and the real-world impact of business decisions. She connected this experience to her goal of using an MBA to develop strategies that prioritize ethical consumer engagement in the corporate world, specifically aiming to implement sustainable marketing practices that reduce environmental impact while driving brand loyalty.

Her essay was straightforward, but it was full of insight – about who she really is.

The admissions committee could easily see her values, her leadership style, and her genuine commitment to what she considered important.

They were left with a “Wow!”—not because of any dramatic language, but because her sincerity and thoughtful reflection made her story stand out.

The ”Wow…”: The Dramatic Spin

In an alternative version of her essay, Sophia leaned heavily on dramatic language to describe her involvement in the same non-profit campaign.

She used phrases like “revolutionized the organization’s outreach” and “orchestrated an unprecedented surge in donations,” aiming to make her role sound extraordinary. She even used ChatGPT to come up with the phrases that would sound impressive.

The essay was filled with grandiose statements and hyperbolic descriptions of her impact.

What it lacked was substance.

Instead of sharing how she navigated real challenges or what she learned from the experience, Sophia focused on making every sentence sound impressive. The result was an essay that felt over-the-top and insincere.

The admissions committee was left with a “Wow…”—not because they were awed, but because the essay’s exaggerated tone made it difficult to connect with Sophia’s true motivations and character.

The drama overshadowed the authenticity, leaving the essay more forgettable than impactful.

How do you avoid a "Wow..."?

I’ve seen firsthand how transformative 60 minutes with an expert can be for your application.

But with Round 1 at full capacity, I’ve had to turn many candidates this month who reached out too late.

I don’t like saying no, especially when I know how much is at stake. So, I’ve created a way to still offer my support, even though I can’t take on any new comprehensive clients right now.

Introducing "Get Unstuck":

I've made a few exclusive slots available next weekend for one-on-one essay review and course correction. In just one hour, we’ll dive deep into your story, fine-tune your narrative, and ensure it reflects your authenticity and impact.

These sessions are limited, so if you’re serious about taking your application to the next level, now’s your moment. Let’s make it count.

Onwards and upwards,


P.S. Where do you find even more MBA essay writing resources?

The Magical Tip for Writing Better MBA Essays

Take Your MBA Essays to Unexpected Places

The Four Types of MBA Essays